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8 Interesting Facts About Quokkas

8 Interesting Facts About Quokkas

"The Happiest Animal in the World"

Meet the Quokka, a Beloved Marsupial from Australia

Quokkas, adorable and charismatic marsupials, have captured the hearts of the world. Their name, derived from the Aboriginal Noongar people of southwest Western Australia, reflects their distinctive characteristics.

These nocturnal creatures boast a remarkable lifespan of up to 10 years. Their size ranges from 16 to 21 inches, and they possess rounded, compact bodies with short hind legs and tails.

Quokkas are renowned for their endearing smiles, earning them the nickname "the happiest animal in the world." Their unique facial features, which resemble a permanent grin, have made them a popular subject for social media posts.

Despite their amiable appearance, quokkas face significant threats. Deforestation, driven by human activities, has resulted in the loss of their natural habitat. Additionally, predation by feral cats and foxes poses a danger to their survival.
